Intuitive Butterfly
This page is dedicated and it is about to the Common bound of Humanity which is the THE INTUITION in its most basic sense of it.
The process of this page would be an organic one, by that I mean it would have its own progress, growth and expansion. Its form is based on first hand experiences, lessons learned from my family, my teachers, my friends and the human kind. And I count and the progress would be a collective one, diverse, simple and honest.
Since our community is more inclined towards technicality aspect of things, I decided to explore the humanistic factors, the psychic and interactivity; the human voice with its Pain and Joy. Respect and Tolerance to human kind and other system of believes is a must, in order to get closer to one's learning about and from the faculty of Intuition. No man kind is perfect, mistakes are parts of the path of life, so as learning.